Mitt-Spit Baseball Glove Care

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The Art of Breaking in a New Baseball Catcher's Mitt: Techniques and Products for Optimal Performance

A catcher's mitt is an essential tool for any baseball player in the catcher’s position. However, a new catcher's mitt can often be stiff, uncomfortable, and challenging to use. Properly breaking in a new catcher's mitt is crucial to ensure optimal performance, enhanced flexibility, and a comfortable fit. In this blog post, we will explore various techniques and products that can help expedite the break-in process, allowing catchers to focus on their game.

The Importance of Breaking In:

Breaking in a new catcher's mitt is vital to mold the leather and create a personalized fit. It involves softening the material, shaping the pocket, and developing flexibility in the glove. A well-broken-in mitt provides better control, improved catching ability, and minimizes the risk of hand injuries.

Time and Patience:

While there are techniques and products that can speed up the break-in process, it is important to note that breaking in a catcher's mitt requires time and patience. Rushing the process can lead to damage or premature wear. So, be prepared to invest some effort into achieving the desired results. If you follow these recommendations you’ll have a catcher’s mitt that will last years.

Techniques for Breaking In a New Catcher's Mitt:

a) Oil or Conditioner Treatment: Applying a small amount of glove break-in oil or conditioner to the mitt's leather helps soften and moisturize it. It’s best if the product in concentrated so as to not add weight to the mitt. For example, Mitt-Spit Break-In only requires about 1/4 ounce whereas other products are not concentrated requiring more material for the same result adding useless weight. Use a sponge or cloth to evenly distribute the oil, focusing on the areas that need extra attention, such as the pocket and finger stalls. Continually massage the mitt as you apply. Avoid over-oiling, as it can make the glove overly flexible and add unnecessary weight to the mitt.

b) Gentle Heat and Correct Moisture: Heat and the right moisture can accelerate the softening process. One technique is to use a hairdryer on low heat to warm up the leather. Once warmed, massage the glove to loosen the fibers. Heat also reduces viscosity allowing the oil to move more readily into the glove leather. Never use water. When a mitt gets wet, as it dries out, it has a tightening effect to the leather fibers actually having the opposite result: the leather stiffens. The correct moisturizing agents are oils specifically designed for leather like Mitt-Spit Glove Oil.

c) Playing Catch: A traditional and effective method is to play catch with a baseball to break in the mitt naturally. Repetitive use during practice or games helps loosen the fibers and shape the pocket according to your hand's contours. Consistent and purposeful use on the field is essential for achieving optimal results.

d) Glove Mallet or Hammer: A glove mallet or a small rubberized hammer can be used to pound the pocket area and create a deep pocket shape. Strike the mitt's pocket and other stiff areas to loosen the leather fibers. Catcher’s mitt leather is really tough so you can be a bit aggressive.

Recommended Products for Breaking In:

a) Glove Oil/Conditioner: Several reputable brands offer specialized oils or conditioners designed specifically for baseball gloves. Examples include Rawlings Glovolium, Wilson Pro Stock Glove Conditioner, Mitt-Spit Glove Oil and Nokona Leather Treatment. These products are okay but to truly break in a catcher’s mitt effectively use a product specifically designed for breaking in baseball glove leather like Mitt-Spit Break-In to provide deep moisturizing and softening properties, more rapidly enhancing the glove's flexibility without adding weight.

b) Glove Wrap or Glove Bag: Glove wraps or glove bags help maintain the shape of the mitt while it is not in use. These accessories provide gentle pressure, promoting the break-in process. Brands like GloveGuard and Mizuno offer durable and effective glove wraps/bags.

c) Leather Lotion: Leather lotions, such as Lexol Leather Conditioner or Advanced Leather Solutions Conditioner are a milder alternative to glove oil-based products. They provide gentle nourishment to the leather, preventing it from becoming dry and brittle during the life of the glove.

Breaking in a new catcher's mitt is an essential step for players looking to maximize their performance and comfort on the field. Through the use of proper techniques and products like glove oils, conditioners, break-in products, heat, proper moisture (not water) and playing catch, will expedite the break-in process and achieve a well-fitting glove. Remember to exercise patience and avoid rushing the process, as quality and longevity should be prioritized over expediency. With a properly broken-in mitt, catchers can focus on their game and confidently handle their catching duties with ease.