Mitt-Spit Baseball Glove Care

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What does baseball glove oil actually do for the glove leather?

As a seasoned leather expert, I've spent more than 30 years perfecting the art of leather care and maintenance. One of the most important aspects of caring for baseball glove leather is understanding how leather conditioners work within the fiber structure of the material.

Leather conditioners like Mitt-Spit Glove Oil are designed to penetrate the fibers of the leather to provide much-needed lubrication, hydration and nourishment. The fiber structure of leather is a woven mass of fibers that is incredibly complex, with tiny pores and channels that allow for breathable flexibility. When leather becomes dry it loses part of its volume so it shrinks and becomes brittle. This loss of oils and moisture, leads to cracks and wear.

Leather conditioners are typically made up of a combination of oils, and other nourishing ingredients. The problem is not all leather conditioners are the same. Oils used in many conditioners should not be used on baseball gloves because they are exposed to a lot of sun, they can turn rancid. This is where Mitt-Spit Glove Oil stands apart. It doesn’t have the potential for rancidity. Whereas mink oil, for example has a high tendency for rancidity. The correct conditioning compounds work together to infuse the leather moisture and help to restore its natural oils. As the conditioner seeps into the fiber structure of the leather, it helps to loosen and soften the fibers, making them more pliable and resistant to damage.

The molecular structure of leather is particularly unique, with its tightly knit and interwoven fibers. This complexity can make it challenging to ensure that leather conditioners penetrate deep enough to provide adequate moisture. However, high-quality conditioners like Mitt-Spit Glove Oil are designed to permeate through the material's complex fiber structure, providing deep conditioning that can restore leather to its natural soft supple nature, prolonging the life of the glove.