Mitt-Spit Baseball Glove Care

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Mitt-Spit products cost a bit more but you get so much more.

Your baseball glove is an investment. You spent good money on it, and you want it to last. But with all the different baseball glove care products on the market, it can be hard to know which ones are the best.

That's where Mitt-Spit comes in. We're the only baseball glove care company that uses the highest quality ingredients, formulated by our team of chemical engineers. What makes us really different is our deep knowledge of leather. The Mitt-Spit team are leather experts with decades of experience working with a wide range of leather types.  Furthermore, our products are concentrated, so you use less, and they're pH balanced to protect your glove's leather.

Here's why you should choose Mitt-Spit:

  • Our products are made with the best ingredients. We use only the finest leather cleaners and oils, to keep your glove soft, supple, and protected.

  • Our products are concentrated. This means you use less, so you save money in the long run.

  • Our products are pH balanced. This means they won't damage your glove's leather.

  • Our products are backed by a satisfaction guarantee. If you're not happy with our products, you can return them for a full refund.

  • Our customer support team are leather experts as well and can offer deep insights in the world of glove leather.

  • We manufacture our products in the USA from USA sourced raw materials. 

So why wait? Choose Mitt-Spit for the best baseball glove care products on the market.  Why do people who make a living repairing baseball gloves buy Mitt-Spit products?  They know what’s the best for their client’s gloves.

Here are some of the benefits of using Mitt-Spit baseball glove care products:

  • Longer glove life. Mitt-Spit products will help to keep your glove soft, supple, and protected, which will extend its life.

  • Improved performance. A well-conditioned glove will be more responsive and easier to use, which can help you improve your fielding skills.

  • Better grip. Mitt-Spit products can help to improve your glove's grip, which can help you make more plays.

  • Fresher smell. Mitt-Spit glove oil won’t turn rancid as so many of our competitor’s products do.  The oils Mitt-Spit manufactures help to keep your glove smelling healthy and fresh.

  • Anti-Bacterial and Anti-Viral.  Mitt-Spit glove cleaner incorporates germ resistant chemical technology for your health.

If you're serious about what’s best for your baseball glove, then you need to use Mitt-Spit baseball glove care products. These are just some of the reasons why they are the best on the market.  Yes, they are a little more expensive but worth every penny because Mitt-Spit helps you keep your glove in top condition for years.  You’ll never be sorry when you buy the best.

Order your Mitt-Spit products today!