Mitt-Spit Baseball Glove Care

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The difference between a glove oil and a glove conditioner

This blog entry explains the difference between baseball glove oil and baseball glove conditioner.

Baseball Glove Oil: Baseball glove oil is a product designed to moisturize and preserve leather baseball gloves. Leather will dry out over time and become stiff, even brittle with potential for cracking due to exposure to sweat, sun and simple evaporation. The oil penetrate deep into the leather coating the leather fibers, softening the material and keeping it supple.

The main purpose of baseball glove oil is to maintain the original feel and improve overall performance. It is especially useful for breaking in new gloves, as it accelerates the process of molding the glove to the player's hand shape and preferences.

Baseball Glove Conditioner: Baseball glove conditioner, on the other hand, is a broader category of products designed to protect, clean, and maintain baseball gloves. Unlike baseball glove oil, which primarily focuses on moisturizing and softening the leather, conditioners can have a more diverse range of ingredients and functionalities.

Common ingredients in baseball glove conditioners may include various oils, to provide moisturizing properties similar to those found in glove oils. Additionally, conditioners often contain other substances like antibacterial, antiviral ingredients, and pH modifiers to make sure the pH of the leather is properly maintained. they also may shield it from water, dirt, and other external elements.

While some baseball glove conditioners may still prioritize conditioning properties, they also aim to extend the glove's lifespan by preventing damage caused by exposure to moisture, UV rays, and general wear and tear. They can also be effective in removing stains and keeping the glove looking clean and presentable.

While often times there is very little difference between baseball glove oil and baseball glove conditioner, the difference lies in their composition and main functions. Baseball glove oil primarily focuses on moisturizing and softening the leather, while baseball glove conditioner offers a broader range of protective and maintenance features to keep the glove in excellent condition and extend its longevity.

Mitt-Spit glove oil with it’s conditioning properties, is distinctive for a few reasons. It has the lowest iodine index of all the leading glove oils, preventing the oil from turning rancid. It’s concentrated so a little bit goes a long way. It’s a synthetic oil with a low evaporation rate requiring fewer applications over the same time period as plant or animal based oils and conditioners.