Mitt-Spit Baseball Glove Care

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Three most important things to do to keep your glove in best condition.

An experienced baseball coach understands that a well-maintained glove will last longer and perform better than a neglected one. Your glove’s performance is key. You don’t want a fielding error to be caused by a poorly maintained glove.

Here are the 3 most important things you should do to keep your glove in the best condition:

  1. Clean your glove after each use. Use a soft cloth or brush to remove dirt, grass, and dust. If your glove gets wet, dry it as soon as possible by blotting the glove leather with an absorbent towel. If the glove is soiled you may need a more aggressive cleaning. Be sure to use a cleaner that is designed for leather. Normal household cleaners are too harsh and can damage the leather, shortening it’s useful life. Mitt-Spit Glove Cleaner is an excellent choice as its chemically engineered for baseball glove leather.

  2. Condition your glove regularly. Use a leather conditioner intended for baseball gloves to keep the leather soft and supple. This will help prevent the glove from cracking or drying out. There are a lot of glove oil and conditioner products on the market, some of which can truly damage the leather. Do the research. For example animal based oils like neatsfoot oil and mink oil can go rancid. Whereas the synthetic oils in Mitt-Spit Glove Oil has the lowest potential for rancidity.

  3. Store your glove properly. Keep your glove in a cool, dry place. Avoid storing it in direct sunlight or near heat sources. If you have a glove bag, use it.

Here are some additional tips for maintaining your baseball glove:

  • Don't over-oil your glove. Too much oil can turn the leather sticky and add weight to the glove making it feel heavy and unwieldy. Your glove is like an extension of your body. Using the glove should be 2nd nature. If its too heavy, clunky it is likely to affect how you play.

  • Avoid using harsh chemicals on your glove. These chemicals can damage the leather. For example household cleaners like 409. Mr. Clean, Windex, etc, are too alkaline and will damage the leather fibers.

  • If your glove gets wet, don't put it in the dryer, oven or use a hair dryer. The heat can damage the leather. Let it air dry.

  • Check the laces on your glove regularly and tighten or replace them as needed. A broken lace it the middle of a game could be a serious problem. Don’t make that mistake. Keep an eye on the laces.

Following these tips will keep your baseball glove in good condition for the entire season and beyond.