
Eulogy for Brooks Robinson: The Master of Defense

We remember and honor a true legend of the baseball world, Brooks Robinson. Brooks was not just a baseball player; he was a defensive virtuoso whose talents on the field left an indelible mark on the game.

Brooks Robinson, known affectionately as "The Human Vacuum Cleaner," was renowned for his exceptional defensive skills. His legacy is etched in the annals of baseball history, primarily due to his unmatched prowess as a third baseman.

Brooks Robinson's defensive abilities were like no other. He had an uncanny knack for making the impossible look routine. His fielding was a thing of beauty, a ballet of reflexes and precision. The way he would dive, stretch, and scoop up grounders left fans and fellow players in awe.

But what truly set Brooks apart was his choice of equipment. He famously used the Rawlings "Heart of the Hide" baseball mitt. This glove was crafted from the finest leather and was known for its durability and performance. Brooks Robinson's trust in this glove symbolized his commitment to his craft. It wasn't just a piece of equipment; it was an extension of his hand, a tool that allowed him to perform defensive miracles.

Robinson's defensive accolades are too numerous to list comprehensively, but his 16 Gold Glove Awards, a record that stood for decades, speak volumes about his defensive genius. His skills not only saved countless runs but also inspired generations of baseball players to aspire to greatness in the field.

Today, as we bid farewell to Brooks Robinson, we remember not only the man but also the embodiment of defensive excellence. His legacy will forever remind us that in the game of baseball, defense is an art, and Brooks was a master artist.

Rest in peace, Brooks Robinson, and may your glove forever shine in the diamond of our memories.

Three most important things to do to keep your glove in best condition.

An experienced baseball coach understands that a well-maintained glove will last longer and perform better than a neglected one. Your glove’s performance is key. You don’t want a fielding error to be caused by a poorly maintained glove.

Here are the 3 most important things you should do to keep your glove in the best condition:

  1. Clean your glove after each use. Use a soft cloth or brush to remove dirt, grass, and dust. If your glove gets wet, dry it as soon as possible by blotting the glove leather with an absorbent towel. If the glove is soiled you may need a more aggressive cleaning. Be sure to use a cleaner that is designed for leather. Normal household cleaners are too harsh and can damage the leather, shortening it’s useful life. Mitt-Spit Glove Cleaner is an excellent choice as its chemically engineered for baseball glove leather.

  2. Condition your glove regularly. Use a leather conditioner intended for baseball gloves to keep the leather soft and supple. This will help prevent the glove from cracking or drying out. There are a lot of glove oil and conditioner products on the market, some of which can truly damage the leather. Do the research. For example animal based oils like neatsfoot oil and mink oil can go rancid. Whereas the synthetic oils in Mitt-Spit Glove Oil has the lowest potential for rancidity.

  3. Store your glove properly. Keep your glove in a cool, dry place. Avoid storing it in direct sunlight or near heat sources. If you have a glove bag, use it.

Here are some additional tips for maintaining your baseball glove:

  • Don't over-oil your glove. Too much oil can turn the leather sticky and add weight to the glove making it feel heavy and unwieldy. Your glove is like an extension of your body. Using the glove should be 2nd nature. If its too heavy, clunky it is likely to affect how you play.

  • Avoid using harsh chemicals on your glove. These chemicals can damage the leather. For example household cleaners like 409. Mr. Clean, Windex, etc, are too alkaline and will damage the leather fibers.

  • If your glove gets wet, don't put it in the dryer, oven or use a hair dryer. The heat can damage the leather. Let it air dry.

  • Check the laces on your glove regularly and tighten or replace them as needed. A broken lace it the middle of a game could be a serious problem. Don’t make that mistake. Keep an eye on the laces.

Following these tips will keep your baseball glove in good condition for the entire season and beyond.

The difference between a glove oil and a glove conditioner

This blog entry explains the difference between baseball glove oil and baseball glove conditioner.

Baseball Glove Oil: Baseball glove oil is a product designed to moisturize and preserve leather baseball gloves. Leather will dry out over time and become stiff, even brittle with potential for cracking due to exposure to sweat, sun and simple evaporation. The oil penetrate deep into the leather coating the leather fibers, softening the material and keeping it supple.

The main purpose of baseball glove oil is to maintain the original feel and improve overall performance. It is especially useful for breaking in new gloves, as it accelerates the process of molding the glove to the player's hand shape and preferences.

Baseball Glove Conditioner: Baseball glove conditioner, on the other hand, is a broader category of products designed to protect, clean, and maintain baseball gloves. Unlike baseball glove oil, which primarily focuses on moisturizing and softening the leather, conditioners can have a more diverse range of ingredients and functionalities.

Common ingredients in baseball glove conditioners may include various oils, to provide moisturizing properties similar to those found in glove oils. Additionally, conditioners often contain other substances like antibacterial, antiviral ingredients, and pH modifiers to make sure the pH of the leather is properly maintained. they also may shield it from water, dirt, and other external elements.

While some baseball glove conditioners may still prioritize conditioning properties, they also aim to extend the glove's lifespan by preventing damage caused by exposure to moisture, UV rays, and general wear and tear. They can also be effective in removing stains and keeping the glove looking clean and presentable.

While often times there is very little difference between baseball glove oil and baseball glove conditioner, the difference lies in their composition and main functions. Baseball glove oil primarily focuses on moisturizing and softening the leather, while baseball glove conditioner offers a broader range of protective and maintenance features to keep the glove in excellent condition and extend its longevity.

Mitt-Spit glove oil with it’s conditioning properties, is distinctive for a few reasons. It has the lowest iodine index of all the leading glove oils, preventing the oil from turning rancid. It’s concentrated so a little bit goes a long way. It’s a synthetic oil with a low evaporation rate requiring fewer applications over the same time period as plant or animal based oils and conditioners.

Why should I bother cleaning my leather baseball glove.

Maintaining a clean glove is important for your own health considerations. This is especially true for young people. Children spend a lot of time playing outdoors, and their sports equipment can get dirty very quickly. This is especially true for baseball gloves, which are often used in muddy and wet conditions. Furthermore, the glove may have been oiled with conditioning agents (oil) that have gone rancid.

A dirty, contaminated baseball glove can harbor bacteria and other harmful microorganisms, even rancid oils. This is especially true if the wrong type of oil was used to oil the glove. These microorganisms and rancid oils can cause skin infections, respiratory infections, and other health problems.

That's why it's important to clean children's sports equipment regularly and avoid using the wrong type of glove oil. This will help to protect their health and keep them safe.

How to Clean a Leather Baseball Glove

Here are the steps on how to clean a leather baseball glove:

  1. Remove the dirt and debris from the glove. You can do this by brushing it with a soft brush or by using a vacuum cleaner.

  2. Dampen a cloth or a leather cleaning glove with warm water.

  3. With a leather cleaner designed for baseball glove leather like Mitt-Spit Glove Cleaner, apply a small amount of to a leather cleaning glove or a soft cloth.

  4. Wipe the glove down, being careful not to oversaturate the leather.

  5. Wait about 90 seconds and then with a dry, clean, soft cloth, thoroughly remove the soapy residue.

  6. Let the glove air dry completely.

Tips for Cleaning a Leather Baseball Glove

  • Use leather cleaner designed for baseball gloves. Be careful. Harsh household cleaners can damage the leather.

  • Don't oversaturate the leather. This can make the leather stiff and brittle after it dries out.

  • Let the glove air dry completely. Don't put the glove in the dryer, microwave of oven.

  • Apply mitt-spit glove oil every few months to keep the leather supple and protected.

By following these steps, you can help to keep your and your child's baseball glove clean and free of harmful bacteria. This will help to protect everyone’s health and keep them safe.

In addition to cleaning their sports equipment, it is also important to keep children's environments clean in general. This means cleaning their homes, schools, and other places where they spend time. A clean environment will help to protect children from getting sick and will also help them to develop healthy habits.

Here are some tips for keeping children's environments clean:

  • Wash your hands often.

  • Clean surfaces regularly.

  • Vacuum and dust regularly.

  • Keep toys clean.

  • Get rid of clutter.

By following these tips, you can help to create a clean and healthy environment for you and your children.

The best baseball team of all time with players from every era.

If I had an unlimited budget and was tasked with assembling the best possible baseball team with players from all eras, taking into consideration both offensive and defensive ability, here is the team I would create:

  • Pitcher: Sandy Koufax. Koufax is widely considered to be one of the greatest pitchers of all time, and he would be the ace of any pitching staff. He won three Cy Young Awards and four World Series championships, and he had a career ERA of 2.76.

  • Catcher: Johnny Bench. Bench is one of the greatest catchers in baseball history, and he would be a great asset to any team. He won 10 Gold Gloves and two MVP awards, and he was a key member of the Cincinnati Reds' Big Red Machine teams of the 1970s.


  • First Base: Albert Pujols. Pujols is one of the greatest hitters of all time, and he would be a force at the plate for any team. He has won three MVP awards and two World Series championships, and he has a career batting average of .328 with 683 home runs.

  • Second Base: Roberto Alomar. Alomar is one of the greatest second baseman in baseball history, and he would be a great addition to any infield. He won 10 Gold Gloves and two World Series championships, and he was a smooth fielder with a great bat.

  • Third Base: Mike Schmidt. Schmidt is one of the greatest third baseman in baseball history, and he would be a great addition to any infield. He won 10 Gold Gloves and three MVP awards, and he was a feared hitter with a great glove.

  • Shortstop: Honus Wagner. Wagner is widely considered to be the greatest shortstop in baseball history, and he would be a great addition to any infield. He won eight Gold Gloves and was a feared hitter, and he was known for his incredible range and fielding ability.

  • Left Field: Ted Williams. Williams is one of the greatest hitters of all time, and he would be a great addition to any outfield. He won two MVP awards and two World Series championships, and he had a career batting average of .344 with 521 home runs.


  • Center Field: Willie Mays. Mays is widely considered to be the greatest all-around player in baseball history, and he would be a great addition to any outfield. He won 12 Gold Gloves and two MVP awards, and he was a feared hitter with a great glove.

  • Right Field: Babe Ruth. Ruth is widely considered to be the greatest baseball player of all time, and he would be a great addition to any outfield. He won seven World Series championships and four MVP awards, and he was a feared hitter with a great arm.

This team would be a powerhouse on both offense and defense, and they would be the favorites to win every game they played.

Common Mistakes Players Make in Caring for Their Baseball Gloves

Baseball gloves are an essential piece of equipment for any player, but they can be delicate and require proper care. Unfortunately, many players make common mistakes that can damage their gloves and shorten their lifespan.

Here are the 4 most common mistakes players make in caring for their baseball gloves:

  1. Not breaking in the glove properly. A new baseball glove can be stiff and uncomfortable to wear, but it's important to break it in properly to make it more pliable and easier to use. Players often make the mistake of trying to break in their glove inappropriately. For example, putting it in the microwave oven or getting it wet and beating it with a baseball bat. These and other such techniques can actually damage the leather. The best way to break in a baseball glove is to first apply a deep penetrating break-in oil, massage it into the leather (best of the leather is slightly warm) and play catch with it as often as possible.

  2. Not using the right type of oil. There are many different types of oils available for conditioning baseball gloves, but not all of them are created equal. Some oils can actually damage the leather. For example oil with a high iodine index can induce rancidity. So it's important to use a high-quality oil with a low iodine index that is specifically designed for baseball gloves. A good option is Mitt-Spit Break-in, which is a specially formulated oil that helps to soften and lubricate the leather fibers.

  3. Over-oiling the glove. It's important to oil your baseball glove, but it's also important not to overdo it. Over-oiling the glove can make it too soft and floppy or mushy. It can also weaken the internal fiber structure make it more likely to tear. Additionally, over oiling adds weight to the glove making it harder to catch a ball. A good rule of thumb is to lightly oil your glove Monthly in season and as you are storing the glove during the off-season.

  4. Not storing the glove properly. When you're not using your baseball glove, it's important to store it properly to prevent it from drying out and cracking. Never store your glove in a sealed plastic bag. The leather has to breath else the oils in the leather may be corrupted turning tacky, gummy or sticky. The best way to store a baseball glove is in a cool, dry place with a ball in its pocket. It is also recommended to store the glove in a cloth glove bag or something like a pillowcase to help protect it from dust and dirt.

How to Correct These Mistakes

If you've made any of the mistakes listed above, there are a few things you can do to correct them.

  • If you haven't broken in your glove properly, you can start by using a quality break-in oil and playing catch with it as often as possible. It’s never too late to begin the proper break-in process.

  • If you've used the wrong type of oil, you can clean your glove with a leather cleaner designed for baseball glove leather and then apply a small amount of the correct type of oil.

  • If you've over-oiled your glove, you can wipe away the excess oil with a clean cloth. Leave the glove in a warm dry place which will allow the excess oils to evaporate away.

  • If you haven't been storing your glove properly, start storing it in a cool, dry place and put it in a cloth bag like a pillowcase.

    By following these tips, you can help to extend the lifespan of your baseball glove and keep it in good condition for years to come.

5 greatest team comebacks in the second half of the season.

5 greatest team comebacks in the second half of the season that then went on to play in the World Series. Four of these five wnet on the win the series:

  1. 1951 New York Giants: The Giants trailed the Brooklyn Dodgers by 13 games in mid-August, but they went on to win 38 of their last 45 games to force a one-game playoff for the National League pennant. The Giants won the playoff game, and then went on to defeat the New York Yankees in the World Series. The dominant player for the Giants in the second half of the season was Willie Mays, who hit .345 with 24 home runs and 66 RBIs.

  2. 1969 New York Mets: The Mets were 10 games out of first place in the National League East on August 14, but they went on to win 38 of their last 49 games to win the division. The Mets then went on to defeat the Atlanta Braves in the playoffs, and then the Baltimore Orioles in the World Series. The dominant player for the Mets in the second half of the season was Tom Seaver, who went 17-3 with a 2.08 ERA.

  3. 1993 Atlanta Braves: The Braves were 14 games out of first place in the National League West on July 23, but they went on to win 49 of their last 65 games to win the division. The Braves then went on to defeat the San Francisco Giants and Philadelphia Phillies in the playoffs, and then the Toronto Blue Jays in the World Series. The dominant player for the Braves in the second half of the season was Greg Maddux, who went 16-1 with a 1.56 ERA.

  4. 2004 Boston Red Sox: The Red Sox were 10.5 games out of first place in the American League East on July 31, but they went on to win 42 of their last 53 games to win the division. The Red Sox then went on to defeat the New York Yankees in the playoffs, and then the St. Louis Cardinals in the World Series. The dominant player for the Red Sox in the second half of the season was David Ortiz, who hit .300 with 28 home runs and 78 RBIs.

  5. 2012 Oakland Athletics: The Athletics were 13 games out of first place in the American League West on June 30, but they went on to win 47 of their last 67 games to win the division. The Athletics then went on to defeat the Detroit Tigers in the playoffs, but they lost to the San Francisco Giants in the World Series. The dominant player for the Athletics in the second half of the season was Josh Donaldson, who hit .297 with 29 home runs and 98 RBIs.

These are just a few of the many great comebacks that have happened in baseball history. It is always exciting to see a team come back from a big deficit, and it is even more exciting when they go on to win the World Series.

Mitt-Spit wasn’t even invented when these teams made their massive comebacks. It Mitt-Spit were available the players involved would have had the best possible products to break in, clean and oil their gloves to improve their defensive play in the season ending critical games.

Why does Mitt-Spit Break-in work so fast in lubricating the leather fibers?

Here's why using Mitt-Spit Break-in accelerates the leather baseball glove break-in process:

  • Mitt-Spit Break-in is a specially formulated oil that helps to soften and lubricate the leather fibers. This makes the leather more pliable and easier to break in. It has a deep penetrating formula that allows to break in oils be absorbed rapidly. It works best when the leather is warm.

  • Mitt-Spit Break-in also helps to protect the leather from moisture and dirt, which can damage the glove. The lubricating oils resist moisture from things like dew on the grass.

  • Mitt-Spit Break-in is easy to apply and use. Simply apply a small amount of oil to a soft cloth and massage it in. A little goes a long way. Because it’s a concentrate, it does add weight to the glove.

  • Mitt-Spit Break-in will not turn rancid. Many of the glove oils sold these days are prone to rancidity. Not Mitt-Spit Break-in or Mitt-Spit glove oil as the lubrication used has a near zero iodine index. Whereas products made with neatsfoot oil or mink oil have a much higher iodine index.

The break-in chemistry in Mitt-Spit Break-in works by lubricating the internal fiber structure of the leather. This allows the fibers to move more freely, which makes the glove more pliable and easier to break in. The oil also helps to protect the leather from moisture and dirt.

Here are some specific instructions on how to use Mitt-Spit Break-in to accelerate the break-in process of your baseball glove:

  1. Clean your glove with a Mitt-Spit Glove Cleaner. Don’t use soap as soap can damage leather fibers.

  2. Apply a small amount of Mitt-Spit Break-in to the glove. 1/4 ounce should be sufficient for a typical glove.

  3. Massage the oil into the glove. It’s best if the glove is slightly warm. Warm leather will absorb the break in chemistry faster than cold leather.

  4. Let the glove dry completely.

  5. Repeat steps 2-4 if needed. Most gloves only need one application. .

With regular use, Mitt-Spit Glove Oil will help keep your baseball glove leather soft and supple. Your glove will be more comfortable to wear and it will perform better on the field.

Here are some additional tips for breaking in a baseball glove:

  • Play catch with the glove as often as possible. This will help to loosen the leather and break it in.

  • Use a baseball glove heater or dryer to help warm up the leather. Be careful not to overheat the glove, as this can damage the leather.

  • Store your glove in a cool, dry place when you're not using it. This will help to prevent the leather from drying out and cracking.

With proper care and maintenance, your baseball glove will last for many years.

Common mistakes people make in oiling their baseball glove.

There are a few common mistakes made by people oiling their baseball gloves.

  1. Overdoing it. Applying more oil than necessary has some drawbacks. It can add unnecessary weight to the glove making it more difficult for the player to catch and release the ball. The leather as a limited capacity to absorb the oils applied. If more oil is put on the glove than necessary, it will just sit on the top of the leather and possibly turn gummy, sticky.

  2. Heavy oil or grease. Certain products like vaseline are thick and will not easily penetrate the glove. It requires a lot of massaging action to push it into the leather fibers. Most of it will just sit on the surface making to glove more difficult to handle.

  3. Wrong type of oil. This is the biggest mistake people make. A lot of ball players use glove oils made from mink oil or neatsfoot oil. The issue is the potential for rancidity. Here’s a perspective from a knowledgeable expert in leather.

    • The oils break down. When oils are exposed to oxygen and heat, they break down into smaller molecules. These smaller molecules can react with each other to form new compounds, some of which have unpleasant odors and can cause the leather to become brittle.

    • The leather fibers become damaged. The breakdown of the oils can also damage the leather fibers. This can make the leather less flexible and more likely to tear.

    • The leather loses its moisture. Rancid oils can also draw moisture out of the leather, which can make it dry and stiff.

    As a result of these changes, the baseball glove leather can become:

    • Brittle. This means that it is more likely to break or tear.

    • Stiff. This means that it is less flexible and can be difficult to use.

    • Dry. This means that it is less comfortable to wear and can crack or split.

    If you want to prevent your baseball glove leather from becoming rancid, you should use oils that have a low iodine value. The iodine value is a measure of how easily an oil will oxidize and turn rancid. Oils with a low iodine value, such as coconut oil and beeswax, are less likely to turn rancid than oils with a high iodine value, such as olive oil and mink oil.

    The lower the number the better. Here is a ranking of baseball glove oils according to their iodine value:

    • Mitt-Spit glove oil: 1

    • Coconut oil: 9

    • Beeswax: 7

    • Avocado oil: 8

    • Olive oil: 85

    • Neatsfoot oil: 75

    • Mink oil: 80-95

    As you can see, Mitt-Spit glove oil has the lowest iodine value and is therefore the least likely to turn rancid. Coconut oil and beeswax also have low iodine values and are good options for conditioning baseball glove leather. Olive oil, mink oil, and neatsfoot oil have higher iodine values and are more likely to turn rancid.

    You should always store your baseball glove oil in a cool, dark place. You should also avoid using your baseball glove in wet or humid conditions, as this can accelerate the oxidation process and cause the oils to turn rancid more quickly.

The 5 most exciting baseball games ever played on July 4th.

Here are 5 of the most exciting baseball games ever played on July 4th:

  1. 1921 Yankees vs. Giants

The New York Yankees and New York Giants were two of the best teams in baseball in 1921, and their game on July 4th was a classic. The game went into extra innings, and the Yankees eventually won 7-6. The game was full of excitement, with both teams scoring runs in the late innings.

  1. 1939 Yankees vs. Red Sox

The 1939 Yankees and Red Sox were two of the most heated rivals in baseball, and their game on July 4th was no exception. The game was tied 2-2 in the bottom of the 9th inning, when Lou Gehrig hit a walk-off home run to give the Yankees the win. The home run was Gehrig's 23rd of the season, and it helped him to cement his place as one of the greatest players in baseball history.

  1. 1985 Braves vs. Mets

The Atlanta Braves and New York Mets played a doubleheader on July 4th, 1985, and both games were exciting. In the first game, the Braves won 10-9 in 11 innings. In the second game, the Mets won 11-10 in 12 innings. Both games were full of late-inning drama, and they were both decided by one run.

  1. 1983 Yankees vs. Red Sox

The New York Yankees and Boston Red Sox played a game on July 4th, 1983, that was notable for Dave Righetti's no-hitter. Righetti pitched a perfect game through 8 innings, but he gave up a walk in the 9th inning. The Yankees won the game 4-0, and Righetti became the first Yankees pitcher to throw a no-hitter since Don Larsen's perfect game in the 1956 World Series.

  1. 2011 Washington Nationals vs. Chicago Cubs

The Washington Nationals and Chicago Cubs played a game on July 4th, 2011, that was won by the Nationals on a walk-off play in the 10th inning. The play involved pitcher Henry Rodriguez bunting for a single, then stealing second base, and then scoring on a wild pitch. The play was so exciting that it was replayed on SportsCenter multiple times, and it is still talked about today.

These are just a few of the many exciting baseball games that have been played on July 4th. Baseball and Independence Day are two of the most American things there are, and it is fitting that some of the most exciting games in baseball history have been played on this day.

Why do some glove oils turn rancid? Why is that important to know?

Why baseball glove oils go rancid

Oils can go rancid because they contain unsaturated fatty acids. These fatty acids have double bonds in their chemical structure, which makes them susceptible to oxidation. When unsaturated fatty acids react with oxygen, they form compounds that have unpleasant odors and off-flavors. Beyond the obvious, this oxidation process can degrade the leather shortening it’s useful life.

  • Indicator or test of an oil's potential for rancidity

The iodine value is a measure of an oil's potential for rancidity. The higher the iodine value, the more unsaturated the oil is and the more likely it is to go rancid. Neatsfoot oil, for example, has an iodine value of 75, while coconut oil has an iodine value of 9 and Mitt-Spit glove oil as an Iodine value of 1. This means that Neatsfoot Oil is more likely to go rancid than coconut oil. The least likely is Mitt-Spit Glove Oil.

  • Ranking of oils used to condition baseball gloves

The following is a ranking of oils used to condition baseball gloves, from least likely to go rancid to most likely to go rancid:

  1. Mitt-Spit glove oil (iodine value of 1)

  2. Coconut oil (iodine value of 9)

  3. Beeswax (iodine value of 7)

  4. Avocado oil (iodine value of 8)

  5. Olive oil (iodine value of 85)

  6. Neatsfoot oil (iodine value of 75)

  7. Mink oil (iodine value of 80-95)

  • Why it's a bad idea to use the wrong type of oil on a baseball glove

Using the wrong type of oil on a baseball glove can cause the leather to become brittle and lose its original properties. This can lead to a compromised performance, reduced durability, and a less comfortable feel for the player. In addition, rancid oils can develop an unpleasant smell, which can be both unsightly and unpleasant.

Therefore, it is important to use a high-quality oil that is designed specifically for conditioning baseball gloves. These oils are typically low in iodine value and are less likely to go rancid. They will also help to keep the leather supple and prevent it from drying out.

This alone is the reason why Mitt-Spit Glove Oil should be every baseball player’s go to product to keep their glove in tip-top shape.

When was webbing first incorporated into a baseball glove?

The first baseball gloves were simply work gloves that were adopted by baseball players to protect their hands from injury. These gloves had no webbing, and players caught the ball with their bare hands or with the palm of the glove.

In the early 1900s, baseball glove manufacturers began experimenting with webbing. The first webs were simple pieces of leather that were sewn between the thumb and forefinger of the glove. These webs helped to create a pocket, which made it easier for players to catch the ball.

The first gloves with webbing were made by the Rawlings Glove Company. In 1920, Bill Doak, a pitcher for the St. Louis Cardinals, suggested that a web be placed between the first finger and the thumb in order to create a deeper pocket. Doak patented his design and sold it to Rawlings.

The first professional players to use gloves with webbing were Bill Doak and Rogers Hornsby. Doak started using a glove with webbing in 1920, and Hornsby started using one in 1921. Both players were immediately successful with their new gloves, and soon other players began to follow their lead.

The evolution of webbing in baseball gloves

The design of baseball gloves has evolved over time, and the webbing has played a major role in this evolution. In the early days, the webs were simple and straightforward. However, as players began to demand more from their gloves, the webs became more complex.

Today, there are a variety of different web designs available. Some webs are designed to help players catch the ball with more control, while others are designed to help players get the ball out of the glove quickly with the result being throwing the ball more accurately. There are also webs that are designed to provide a balance of both catching and throwing performance.

The evolution of webbing in baseball gloves has helped to make the game more competitive and exciting. With the help of a well-designed glove, players can make more plays and help their team win more games.

How and where do they make the leather for a baseball glove?

The tanning process for baseball glove leather is similar to the tanning process for other types of leather, but there are some specific steps that are taken to ensure that the leather is soft, durable, and flexible enough for use in a baseball glove.

The first step is to prepare the hide. This involves removing the hair and any other impurities from the hide. The hair is typically removed using a combination of mechanical scraping and chemical treatment.

Once the hair is removed, the hide is tanned. The most common tanning method for baseball glove leather is chrome tanning. Chrome tanning uses chromium salts to transform the hide into leather. Chrome-tanned leather is known for its durability and its ability to withstand the wear and tear of a baseball glove.

After the hide is tanned, it is pickled in a solution of acid and salt. This helps to remove any remaining impurities from the leather and makes it more receptive to the dressing process.

The next step is to dress the leather. This involves adding oils and waxes to the leather to soften it and protect it from moisture. The oils and waxes also help to give the leather its characteristic color and texture.

The final step is to finish the leather. This involves dyeing the leather and applying a protective coating. The finishing process can also involve embossing the leather to create a specific pattern or design.

The tanning process for baseball glove leather can take several weeks or even months. Once the tanning process is complete, the leather is ready to be used to make baseball gloves.

Here are some additional details about the tanning process for baseball glove leather:

  • The type of hide used is important. The best hides for baseball glove leather are those from young cattle, often called kip leather. These hides are softer and more flexible than older hides.

  • The tanning process is carefully controlled to ensure that the leather meets the desired specifications. The pH of the tanning solution, the temperature of the tanning process, and the amount of time the hide is tanned all affect the properties of the finished leather.

  • The dressing process is also important. The type of oils and waxes used, as well as the amount of time the leather is dressed, will affect the softness, durability, and flexibility of the finished leather.

  • The finishing process can also affect the properties of the finished leather. The type of dye used, as well as the type of protective coating applied, if any, will affect the color, texture, and water resistance of the leather.

The tanning process for baseball glove leather is a complex and time-consuming process, but it is essential to producing high-quality leather that is soft, durable, and flexible enough for use in a baseball glove.

Here are some countries that have tanneries that make baseball leather:

  • United States: The United States is home to some of the oldest and most respected tanneries in the world. Many of these tanneries have been producing baseball glove leather for decades.

  • Italy: Italy is another country with a long history of leather production. Many of the world's most famous baseball glove brands source their leather from Italian tanneries.

  • Mexico: Mexico is a major producer of leather goods, including baseball gloves. Mexican tanneries offer a good combination of quality and price.

  • Japan: Japan is a leading manufacturer of high-quality leather goods. Japanese tanneries are known for their attention to detail and their commitment to quality.

These are just a few of the countries that produce baseball glove leather. The best place to source baseball glove leather will depend on your specific needs and budget.

Once the glove is sold and put into use, a few easy steps will keep your glove leather in excellent condition.

  1. Break in the glove with Mitt-Spit Break in.

  2. Regular cleaning with a leather cleaner that is pH balanced. This is where the Mitt-Spit glove cleaner shines.

  3. Proper conditioning with glove oil designed for baseball gloves. The glove oil by Mitt-Spit is the safest and best. Safest as it won’t oxidize, best as it’s deep penetrating and concentrated.


Why is leather the best material for a baseball glove?

Leather is the clearly the best material for a baseball glove for a lot of reasons. Let’s start with these three; it is durable, comfortable, and responsive. It has been the material of choice for baseball gloves since the 1800s, and for good reason.

  • Durability: Leather is a very durable material that can withstand the rigors of baseball. It is not easily torn or punctured, and it can withstand the elements without breaking down.

  • Comfort: Leather is also a very comfortable material to wear. It is soft and flexible, and it conforms to the shape of the hand. This makes it easy to grip the ball and make quick, accurate throws.

  • Responsiveness: Leather is a very responsive material. This means that it is able to transmit the feel of the ball to the hand, which allows the player to make better catches and throws.

There are many data points that support the claim that leather is the best material for a baseball glove. For example, a study by the University of Wisconsin found that leather gloves were more durable than synthetic gloves. The study also found that leather gloves were more comfortable to wear, and that they provided better grip.

Professional baseball players only have gloves made with leather because they know that leather is the best material for the job. They need a glove that is durable, comfortable, and responsive, and leather is the only material that can provide all of those things.

If you are looking for a baseball glove that will last, be comfortable, and help you make better plays, then you need a glove made with leather. There is no other material that can match the performance of leather.

To keep your glove in the best shape for the long term, then regular care should be taken. And if you love your glove, then use the best glove cleaner, glove oil and for a new glove, glove break in, all made by Mitt-Spit is the choice of the glove repair pros for good reason — Mitt-Spit roots come from the science of leather.

Here are some additional benefits of using leather baseball gloves:

  • Leather gloves are more breathable than synthetic gloves, which helps to keep your hands cool and dry.

  • Leather gloves age well, and can develop a patina over time that makes them even more beautiful.

  • Yes, Leather gloves are often more expensive than synthetic gloves, but they are also a more sustainable choice, last longer, and make you a better player.

If you are looking for a baseball glove that will last for years, and that will perform at a high level, then you should choose a leather glove.

Mitt-Spit products cost a bit more but you get so much more.

Your baseball glove is an investment. You spent good money on it, and you want it to last. But with all the different baseball glove care products on the market, it can be hard to know which ones are the best.

That's where Mitt-Spit comes in. We're the only baseball glove care company that uses the highest quality ingredients, formulated by our team of chemical engineers. What makes us really different is our deep knowledge of leather. The Mitt-Spit team are leather experts with decades of experience working with a wide range of leather types.  Furthermore, our products are concentrated, so you use less, and they're pH balanced to protect your glove's leather.

Here's why you should choose Mitt-Spit:

  • Our products are made with the best ingredients. We use only the finest leather cleaners and oils, to keep your glove soft, supple, and protected.

  • Our products are concentrated. This means you use less, so you save money in the long run.

  • Our products are pH balanced. This means they won't damage your glove's leather.

  • Our products are backed by a satisfaction guarantee. If you're not happy with our products, you can return them for a full refund.

  • Our customer support team are leather experts as well and can offer deep insights in the world of glove leather.

  • We manufacture our products in the USA from USA sourced raw materials. 

So why wait? Choose Mitt-Spit for the best baseball glove care products on the market.  Why do people who make a living repairing baseball gloves buy Mitt-Spit products?  They know what’s the best for their client’s gloves.

Here are some of the benefits of using Mitt-Spit baseball glove care products:

  • Longer glove life. Mitt-Spit products will help to keep your glove soft, supple, and protected, which will extend its life.

  • Improved performance. A well-conditioned glove will be more responsive and easier to use, which can help you improve your fielding skills.

  • Better grip. Mitt-Spit products can help to improve your glove's grip, which can help you make more plays.

  • Fresher smell. Mitt-Spit glove oil won’t turn rancid as so many of our competitor’s products do.  The oils Mitt-Spit manufactures help to keep your glove smelling healthy and fresh.

  • Anti-Bacterial and Anti-Viral.  Mitt-Spit glove cleaner incorporates germ resistant chemical technology for your health.

If you're serious about what’s best for your baseball glove, then you need to use Mitt-Spit baseball glove care products. These are just some of the reasons why they are the best on the market.  Yes, they are a little more expensive but worth every penny because Mitt-Spit helps you keep your glove in top condition for years.  You’ll never be sorry when you buy the best.

Order your Mitt-Spit products today!

A baseball glove manufacturer has a lot of leather options. What's the best and why?

Baseball glove manufacturer, have a lot of experience working with different types of leather. That experience gives them the information they need to know what makes a good baseball glove leather.

The best type of leather for a baseball glove is kip leather. Kip leather is made from the hide of young cattle. Because the hide hasn’t fully developed its like baby soft skin. So, a kip leather glove is known for its softness, durability, and flexibility. It is also a relatively lightweight leather, which makes it comfortable to wear for long periods of time.

Other types of leather that can be used for baseball gloves include:

  • Steerhide: Steerhide is a bit stiffer than kip leather, but it is also more durable. The hide comes from a more mature steer so is had time to develop a natural durable internal fiber structure. It is a good choice for players who need a glove that can withstand a lot of wear and tear.

  • Latigo: Latigo is a very strong and durable leather. It is often used for the webbing of baseball gloves. It’s not uncommon that a glove components would come from different sources. Kip for the main body and Latigo for the webbing.

  • Buffalo leather: Buffalo leather is a very tough and durable leather. It is a good choice for players who play in rough conditions.

When choosing a leather for a baseball glove, it is important to consider the player's position and playing style. For example, infielders who need a glove that can be used for quick reaction plays may want to choose a kip leather glove. Outfielders who need a glove that can withstand a lot of wear and tear may want to choose a steerhide glove. Catcher’s mitts is one place where buffalo hides would be appropriate.

Quality leather baseball gloves are far superior than the gloves made from synthetic materials. They last a lot longer, are more responsive the the player’s hand and carry prestige that only leather can offer.

No matter what type of leather you choose, it is important to care for your baseball glove properly. This will help to extend the life of your glove and keep it in good condition. The Mitt-Spit glove leather care and break in products are designed to nourish the leather, keep it pliable and easy to handle a hard grounder or when chasing down a fly ball to deep center field.

Here are some tips for caring for your baseball glove:

  • Clean your glove regularly with a leather cleaner designed for baseball gloves - Mitt-Spit Glove Cleaner is an excellent choice.

  • Condition your glove with a Mitt-Spit Glove Oil to keep it soft and supple.

  • Store your glove in a cool, dry place when you are not using it.

By following these tips, you can keep your baseball glove in good condition for many years to come.

What do baseball glove manufacturers know about leather?

As leather experts, the technical team at Advanced Leather Solutions, the maker of Mitt-Spit, have a deep understanding of the properties and characteristics of different types of leather. We know how leather is made, how it ages, and how to care for it properly. We also have a lot of experience working with leather, so know what makes a good glove and how to keep it in top condition.

A baseball glove manufacturer who doesn't really understand the attributes of leather may be able to build a functional glove, but they may not be able to provide the best possible care advice. They know how to cut and sew the leather, how to lace a glove but that knowledge doesn’t help when asked about how to properly care of the leather to prolong its useful life. They may not know how to choose the right type of leather for the application, or they may not know how to properly break in a glove. They may also not be aware of the different ways that leather can be damaged, and how to prevent that damage.

As a result, a baseball glove manufacturer who doesn't really understand the attributes of leather may not be able to give their customers the best possible advice on how to care for their gloves. Whereas, the leather technicians at Advanced Leather Solutions ( are the brains behind the Mitt-Spit product set. We on the other hand, have deep knowledge and experience to provide our customers with the best possible care advice. We can help them choose the correct leather cleaning process, conditioning regime, how to break in their glove properly and prevent their glove from being damaged. We know the proper chemical engineering behind the best performing leather care products and the pitfalls of using the wrong products that can damage leather.

Here are some specific examples of how the Mitt-Spit team’s knowledge of leather gives us an advantage over a baseball glove manufacturer who doesn't really understand the attributes of leather:

  • We know that different types of leather have different properties. For example, kip leather is a good choice for baseball gloves because it is strong, durable, and lightweight. Through consulting services, we can help manufacturers choose the right type of leather for their needs.

  • We know how leather ages. As leather restoration specialists we help our customers understand how their glove will change over time, and how to care for it to prevent it from damage, drying out or cracking.

  • We know how to break in a baseball glove properly. We help our customers break in their glove quickly and easily, without damaging the leather.

  • We could work with a glove manufacturer teaching them about the proper break in chemistry that they could apply to a glove before it ships from their factory so it arrives in the customer’s hand already broken in.

  • We know how to prevent baseball gloves from being damaged. We teach our customers how to store their gloves properly, and how to clean and condition them to keep them in good condition.

In short, our knowledge of leather gives us a unique perspective that allows us to provide our customers with the best possible care products and advice for their baseball gloves. If you are looking for someone who can help you choose, break in, and care for your baseball glove, We’re the people to talk to.

A poorly cared for baseball glove can cause fielding errors.

A good infielder's defensive coach would instruct the team on the importance of proper baseball glove maintenance. A poorly cared for baseball glove can cause errors when fielding a ground ball. Here are a few reasons why:

  • A stiff glove is harder to close quickly, which can lead to dropped balls.

  • A glove that is not broken in properly can cause the ball to bounce out of it when you try to field it.

  • A dirty glove can become stiff and difficult to use.

  • A glove that is not properly conditioned can crack or tear.

Here are a few examples of how poorly cared for baseball gloves have caused errors in important games:

  • In the 2016 World Series, Kansas City Royals shortstop Alcides Escobar dropped a routine ground ball that would have ended the game. Escobar later said that his glove was stiff and he was not able to close it quickly enough to make the catch.

  • In the 2017 American League Championship Series, Boston Red Sox first baseman Mitch Moreland dropped a ground ball that would have been an out. Moreland later said that his glove was not broken in properly and the ball slipped out of it.

  • In the 2018 National League Championship Series, Los Angeles Dodgers third baseman Justin Turner dropped a ground ball that would have been an out. Turner later said that his glove was dirty and he was not able to grip the ball properly.

To avoid these types of errors, it is important to properly maintain your baseball glove. Here are a few tips:

  • Break in your glove with the correct break in strategy. Using Mitt-Spit break in will quicken the process as its deep penetrating process properly lubricates the glove leather fibers on even the stiffest mitts.

  • Regularly use Mitt-Spit glove oil (conditioner) to keep your glove soft and pliable.

  • Clean your glove regularly with a Mitt-Spit glove cleaner. It’s engineered specifically for baseball glove leather. Never use household cleaners as it’s to harsh for the leather.

  • Store your glove in a cool, dry place when you are not using it.

By following these tips, you can help to ensure that your baseball glove will last for many seasons, help you to make more plays and avoid stupid errors because your glove wasn’t cared for properly. For the love of your glove, your mitt deserves the finest baseball glove products made by people who really understand leather.

The 5 most important statistics in baseball

The game of baseball has a deep tradition of accumulating statistical data. Here are the 5 most important statistics in baseball as a measure of effective performance at both the player and team levels:

  1. Wins Above Replacement (WAR): WAR is a metric that attempts to measure the total value of a player to their team. It takes into account a variety of factors, including batting average, on-base percentage, slugging percentage, home runs, RBIs, stolen bases, fielding percentage, and baserunning ability.

  2. On-Base Percentage (OBP): OBP measures how often a player reaches base safely. It is calculated by adding a player's batting average and their on-base percentage, which is calculated by dividing their number of walks and hit-by-pitches by their plate appearances.

  3. Slugging Percentage (SLG): SLG measures how often a player hits for power. It is calculated by adding a player's home run total and their total bases (the number of bases a player reaches on a single, double, triple, or home run) divided by their at-bats.

  4. Earned Run Average (ERA): ERA measures how many earned runs a pitcher allows per nine innings pitched. Earned runs are runs that are scored without the benefit of an error or a fielder's choice.

  5. Walks plus Hits per Inning Pitched (WHIP): WHIP measures how many walks and hits a pitcher allows per inning pitched. It is a good measure of a pitcher's control and ability to prevent baserunners.

These are just a few of the many statistics that can be used to measure a player's or team's effectiveness in baseball. The specific statistics that are most important will vary depending on the position of the player and the role they play on the team. However, the statistics listed above are a good starting point for evaluating the performance of players and teams in baseball.

Advice from a Leather Guru About Your Baseball Glove

I’ve seen baseball gloves abused countless times by not properly taking care of the mitt. Your glove is an essential part of your ability to play at the highest level. Here are some reasons why it's important for baseball players of all ages to take careful care of their baseball glove:

  • To make it last longer. A well-cared-for leather baseball glove can last for years, while a glove that is not cared for properly will have the leather break down more quickly. It’s never too late to start proper care. Investing a little time with the right products and procedures will pay you back with a better performing glove, improving your game.

  • To enhance its performance. A clean, conditioned glove will be more flexible and easier to use. It will also be more durable, which will help you make better catches. Be sure to use a leather cleaner designed for the leather of a baseball glove. Not all leather cleaners are equal. You paid a lot of money for your glove, take good care of it with a cleaner that has been chemically engineered specifically for baseball gloves. Without a doubt the one place you know that has the perfect glove cleaner is at

    • Proper Cleaning Method. First, make sure the cleaner you’re using is pH balanced to glove leather. This is important as if the cleaner you’re using is too harsh for the leather it will actually damage the leather fibers, shortening the life of the glove. Once pH damage occurs, it can’t be reversed. When using the proper glove leather cleaner like Mitt-Spit Glove Cleaner, apply it first to a soft cloth or to a leather cleaning glove and work the cleaning solution across all leather surfaces. Be sure to be generous in application. Let the cleaning solution sit on the leather for a one to two minutes, but not so long that the cleaning solution dries. Then, wipe away the soapy residue with a soft, dry cloth like a microfiber towel, turning the cloth regularly.

  • To protect it from damage. Dirt, grime, hand oils, Sweat, moisture, and other elements can damage a baseball glove leather. By cleaning your glove regularly, you can help protect it from these harmful factors.

    • Proper Conditioning (Oiling) Method. The pH of the conditioner is also important. The easiest way to ruin a glove is to use glove oil whose pH is too alkaline (high) or to acidic (low). Only use a product whose pH is consistent with the pH of glove leather like Mitt-Spit Glove Oil. Apply a modest amount to a soft cloth that is slightly damp. Massage into the cloth and wipe the glove down. Don’t over do. You don’t want to add weight to the glove or have it feel greasy. There are two key advantage to the Mitt-Spit product line:

      • 1. It’s concentrated. So you’ll only need about 1/4 ounce for the whole mitt. Of that, only 1/16 ounce remains in the glove leather as the rest of the chemical composition rapidly evaporates away in a matter of minutes.

      • 2. It’s pH balanced so it provides the proper leather nourishment without damaging the leather fibers.

Here are some specific tips for cleaning and conditioning your baseball glove:

  • Clean your glove after each use. This will help remove dirt, sweat, and other debris that can damage the leather.

  • Condition (Oil) your glove regularly. This will help keep the leather soft and supple. Be careful to avoid glove oils that have the potential of turning rancid. Besides making your glove smell funny, the oxidation that occurs to oil as it turns rancid will damage the leather. Use a leather glove conditioner that’s known for its extremely low potential for rancidity like Mitt-Spit Glove Oil.

  • Store your glove properly. When you're not going to be using your glove for a while, apply a light conditioner and store it in a cool, dry place. This will help prevent the leather from drying out, cracking and developing mold or mildew.

  • Avoid using harsh chemicals or cleaners on your glove. These can damage the leather because their pH is far too high.

  • Do not over-condition your glove. Too much conditioner can make the leather feel gooey, heavy and cumbersome. It also may make the leather slippery so it’s more difficult to hang on to the ball.

  • If your glove is wet, do not put it in the dryer. This can damage the leather. Instead, let it air dry in a cool, dry place. When wet leather dries, it tends to stiffen the leather. So, when dry, apply a good quality glove leather conditioner, massaging it into the leather to bring back suppliness.

  • If your glove leather is cracked or damaged, you may need to have it repaired by a professional. Get the best advice from the people who really understand leather. Not everyone who claims to be an expert in glove care really understands the attributes of leather.

  • Consult an expert in leather care. Find leather experts like the team at for the best advice. Their 35 years of experience in working with leather at Advanced Leather Solutions has given their team deep insights into resolving leather related problems. Mitt-Spit is a division of Advanced Leather Solutions. They really know leather.

By following these simple tips, your baseball glove will last for years.