glove care

Advice from a Leather Guru About Your Baseball Glove

I’ve seen baseball gloves abused countless times by not properly taking care of the mitt. Your glove is an essential part of your ability to play at the highest level. Here are some reasons why it's important for baseball players of all ages to take careful care of their baseball glove:

  • To make it last longer. A well-cared-for leather baseball glove can last for years, while a glove that is not cared for properly will have the leather break down more quickly. It’s never too late to start proper care. Investing a little time with the right products and procedures will pay you back with a better performing glove, improving your game.

  • To enhance its performance. A clean, conditioned glove will be more flexible and easier to use. It will also be more durable, which will help you make better catches. Be sure to use a leather cleaner designed for the leather of a baseball glove. Not all leather cleaners are equal. You paid a lot of money for your glove, take good care of it with a cleaner that has been chemically engineered specifically for baseball gloves. Without a doubt the one place you know that has the perfect glove cleaner is at

    • Proper Cleaning Method. First, make sure the cleaner you’re using is pH balanced to glove leather. This is important as if the cleaner you’re using is too harsh for the leather it will actually damage the leather fibers, shortening the life of the glove. Once pH damage occurs, it can’t be reversed. When using the proper glove leather cleaner like Mitt-Spit Glove Cleaner, apply it first to a soft cloth or to a leather cleaning glove and work the cleaning solution across all leather surfaces. Be sure to be generous in application. Let the cleaning solution sit on the leather for a one to two minutes, but not so long that the cleaning solution dries. Then, wipe away the soapy residue with a soft, dry cloth like a microfiber towel, turning the cloth regularly.

  • To protect it from damage. Dirt, grime, hand oils, Sweat, moisture, and other elements can damage a baseball glove leather. By cleaning your glove regularly, you can help protect it from these harmful factors.

    • Proper Conditioning (Oiling) Method. The pH of the conditioner is also important. The easiest way to ruin a glove is to use glove oil whose pH is too alkaline (high) or to acidic (low). Only use a product whose pH is consistent with the pH of glove leather like Mitt-Spit Glove Oil. Apply a modest amount to a soft cloth that is slightly damp. Massage into the cloth and wipe the glove down. Don’t over do. You don’t want to add weight to the glove or have it feel greasy. There are two key advantage to the Mitt-Spit product line:

      • 1. It’s concentrated. So you’ll only need about 1/4 ounce for the whole mitt. Of that, only 1/16 ounce remains in the glove leather as the rest of the chemical composition rapidly evaporates away in a matter of minutes.

      • 2. It’s pH balanced so it provides the proper leather nourishment without damaging the leather fibers.

Here are some specific tips for cleaning and conditioning your baseball glove:

  • Clean your glove after each use. This will help remove dirt, sweat, and other debris that can damage the leather.

  • Condition (Oil) your glove regularly. This will help keep the leather soft and supple. Be careful to avoid glove oils that have the potential of turning rancid. Besides making your glove smell funny, the oxidation that occurs to oil as it turns rancid will damage the leather. Use a leather glove conditioner that’s known for its extremely low potential for rancidity like Mitt-Spit Glove Oil.

  • Store your glove properly. When you're not going to be using your glove for a while, apply a light conditioner and store it in a cool, dry place. This will help prevent the leather from drying out, cracking and developing mold or mildew.

  • Avoid using harsh chemicals or cleaners on your glove. These can damage the leather because their pH is far too high.

  • Do not over-condition your glove. Too much conditioner can make the leather feel gooey, heavy and cumbersome. It also may make the leather slippery so it’s more difficult to hang on to the ball.

  • If your glove is wet, do not put it in the dryer. This can damage the leather. Instead, let it air dry in a cool, dry place. When wet leather dries, it tends to stiffen the leather. So, when dry, apply a good quality glove leather conditioner, massaging it into the leather to bring back suppliness.

  • If your glove leather is cracked or damaged, you may need to have it repaired by a professional. Get the best advice from the people who really understand leather. Not everyone who claims to be an expert in glove care really understands the attributes of leather.

  • Consult an expert in leather care. Find leather experts like the team at for the best advice. Their 35 years of experience in working with leather at Advanced Leather Solutions has given their team deep insights into resolving leather related problems. Mitt-Spit is a division of Advanced Leather Solutions. They really know leather.

By following these simple tips, your baseball glove will last for years.