glove oil

The difference between a glove oil and a glove conditioner

This blog entry explains the difference between baseball glove oil and baseball glove conditioner.

Baseball Glove Oil: Baseball glove oil is a product designed to moisturize and preserve leather baseball gloves. Leather will dry out over time and become stiff, even brittle with potential for cracking due to exposure to sweat, sun and simple evaporation. The oil penetrate deep into the leather coating the leather fibers, softening the material and keeping it supple.

The main purpose of baseball glove oil is to maintain the original feel and improve overall performance. It is especially useful for breaking in new gloves, as it accelerates the process of molding the glove to the player's hand shape and preferences.

Baseball Glove Conditioner: Baseball glove conditioner, on the other hand, is a broader category of products designed to protect, clean, and maintain baseball gloves. Unlike baseball glove oil, which primarily focuses on moisturizing and softening the leather, conditioners can have a more diverse range of ingredients and functionalities.

Common ingredients in baseball glove conditioners may include various oils, to provide moisturizing properties similar to those found in glove oils. Additionally, conditioners often contain other substances like antibacterial, antiviral ingredients, and pH modifiers to make sure the pH of the leather is properly maintained. they also may shield it from water, dirt, and other external elements.

While some baseball glove conditioners may still prioritize conditioning properties, they also aim to extend the glove's lifespan by preventing damage caused by exposure to moisture, UV rays, and general wear and tear. They can also be effective in removing stains and keeping the glove looking clean and presentable.

While often times there is very little difference between baseball glove oil and baseball glove conditioner, the difference lies in their composition and main functions. Baseball glove oil primarily focuses on moisturizing and softening the leather, while baseball glove conditioner offers a broader range of protective and maintenance features to keep the glove in excellent condition and extend its longevity.

Mitt-Spit glove oil with it’s conditioning properties, is distinctive for a few reasons. It has the lowest iodine index of all the leading glove oils, preventing the oil from turning rancid. It’s concentrated so a little bit goes a long way. It’s a synthetic oil with a low evaporation rate requiring fewer applications over the same time period as plant or animal based oils and conditioners.

Advice from a Leather Guru About Your Baseball Glove

I’ve seen baseball gloves abused countless times by not properly taking care of the mitt. Your glove is an essential part of your ability to play at the highest level. Here are some reasons why it's important for baseball players of all ages to take careful care of their baseball glove:

  • To make it last longer. A well-cared-for leather baseball glove can last for years, while a glove that is not cared for properly will have the leather break down more quickly. It’s never too late to start proper care. Investing a little time with the right products and procedures will pay you back with a better performing glove, improving your game.

  • To enhance its performance. A clean, conditioned glove will be more flexible and easier to use. It will also be more durable, which will help you make better catches. Be sure to use a leather cleaner designed for the leather of a baseball glove. Not all leather cleaners are equal. You paid a lot of money for your glove, take good care of it with a cleaner that has been chemically engineered specifically for baseball gloves. Without a doubt the one place you know that has the perfect glove cleaner is at

    • Proper Cleaning Method. First, make sure the cleaner you’re using is pH balanced to glove leather. This is important as if the cleaner you’re using is too harsh for the leather it will actually damage the leather fibers, shortening the life of the glove. Once pH damage occurs, it can’t be reversed. When using the proper glove leather cleaner like Mitt-Spit Glove Cleaner, apply it first to a soft cloth or to a leather cleaning glove and work the cleaning solution across all leather surfaces. Be sure to be generous in application. Let the cleaning solution sit on the leather for a one to two minutes, but not so long that the cleaning solution dries. Then, wipe away the soapy residue with a soft, dry cloth like a microfiber towel, turning the cloth regularly.

  • To protect it from damage. Dirt, grime, hand oils, Sweat, moisture, and other elements can damage a baseball glove leather. By cleaning your glove regularly, you can help protect it from these harmful factors.

    • Proper Conditioning (Oiling) Method. The pH of the conditioner is also important. The easiest way to ruin a glove is to use glove oil whose pH is too alkaline (high) or to acidic (low). Only use a product whose pH is consistent with the pH of glove leather like Mitt-Spit Glove Oil. Apply a modest amount to a soft cloth that is slightly damp. Massage into the cloth and wipe the glove down. Don’t over do. You don’t want to add weight to the glove or have it feel greasy. There are two key advantage to the Mitt-Spit product line:

      • 1. It’s concentrated. So you’ll only need about 1/4 ounce for the whole mitt. Of that, only 1/16 ounce remains in the glove leather as the rest of the chemical composition rapidly evaporates away in a matter of minutes.

      • 2. It’s pH balanced so it provides the proper leather nourishment without damaging the leather fibers.

Here are some specific tips for cleaning and conditioning your baseball glove:

  • Clean your glove after each use. This will help remove dirt, sweat, and other debris that can damage the leather.

  • Condition (Oil) your glove regularly. This will help keep the leather soft and supple. Be careful to avoid glove oils that have the potential of turning rancid. Besides making your glove smell funny, the oxidation that occurs to oil as it turns rancid will damage the leather. Use a leather glove conditioner that’s known for its extremely low potential for rancidity like Mitt-Spit Glove Oil.

  • Store your glove properly. When you're not going to be using your glove for a while, apply a light conditioner and store it in a cool, dry place. This will help prevent the leather from drying out, cracking and developing mold or mildew.

  • Avoid using harsh chemicals or cleaners on your glove. These can damage the leather because their pH is far too high.

  • Do not over-condition your glove. Too much conditioner can make the leather feel gooey, heavy and cumbersome. It also may make the leather slippery so it’s more difficult to hang on to the ball.

  • If your glove is wet, do not put it in the dryer. This can damage the leather. Instead, let it air dry in a cool, dry place. When wet leather dries, it tends to stiffen the leather. So, when dry, apply a good quality glove leather conditioner, massaging it into the leather to bring back suppliness.

  • If your glove leather is cracked or damaged, you may need to have it repaired by a professional. Get the best advice from the people who really understand leather. Not everyone who claims to be an expert in glove care really understands the attributes of leather.

  • Consult an expert in leather care. Find leather experts like the team at for the best advice. Their 35 years of experience in working with leather at Advanced Leather Solutions has given their team deep insights into resolving leather related problems. Mitt-Spit is a division of Advanced Leather Solutions. They really know leather.

By following these simple tips, your baseball glove will last for years.

5 defensive baseball legendary players and what made them so great, including their meticulous care for their gloves.

Today I want to talk to you about five defensive baseball legends and what made them so incredible on the field. These players were known for their outstanding skills, athleticism, and dedication to the game. I'll also explain why properly maintaining your glove is crucial for your success as well. So, let's dive in!

  1. Ozzie Smith: Ozzie Smith, also known as "The Wizard," was a wizard indeed when it came to defense. He played primarily as a shortstop and was known for his exceptional agility and acrobatic plays. Ozzie had an incredible range, making impossible plays seem routine. His secret to success? Aside from natural talent, Ozzie maintained his glove meticulously. He understood that a well-maintained glove allowed for better control and gave him an edge in making those jaw-dropping plays. He also understood that not all baseball glove oils are the same and some could actually damage his glove.

  2. Brooks Robinson: Brooks Robinson was a legendary third baseman, widely regarded as one of the greatest defensive players in baseball history. His ability to anticipate and react quickly made him a defensive force to be reckoned with. Brooks was known for his exceptional glove work, often making diving stops and incredible throws across the diamond. His secret? He treated his glove like his best friend. He regularly oiled it, reshaped it, and took care of it to ensure maximum performance.

  3. Willie Mays: Willie Mays was not only an incredible hitter but also an outstanding center fielder. Known for his incredible speed and agility, Mays made seemingly impossible catches look routine. He had an extraordinary ability to track down fly balls and make diving catches that left spectators in awe. Properly maintaining his glove allowed Mays to have a consistent feel for the ball, ensuring he could make those fantastic catches time and time again.

  4. Ivan Rodriguez: Ivan Rodriguez, often called "Pudge," was a legendary catcher known for his defensive prowess. His ability to throw out baserunners attempting to steal bases was legendary. Pudge had a quick release and an accurate arm, making him a nightmare for opposing teams. Pudge understood that his glove was an extension of his arm. By keeping it in excellent condition, he could deliver accurate throws and maintain control of the game. As a catcher he know a properly broken in mitt was essential to a rapid transfer of the ball to his throwing hand to get that speedy runner out at 2nd base.

  5. Roberto Clemente: Roberto Clemente was an outfielder with an arm like a cannon. His throws from right field were incredibly accurate and powerful. Clemente's outfield assists were a thing of beauty and often turned the tide of games. He knew the importance of maintaining his glove to maintain control and feel of the ball. A properly maintained glove allowed Clemente to execute his throws with precision and keep baserunners at bay.

Now, why is properly maintaining your glove important for your success, just like these legendary players? Well, a well-maintained glove means using the right glove oil like Mitt-Spit Glove Oil ensures that it remains flexible, sturdy, and ready to make those crucial catches. Regularly cleaning and oiling your glove helps to preserve its leather and prevent it from becoming stiff or brittle. It also allows you to form a personal bond with your glove, making it an extension of your hand and giving you the confidence to make extraordinary plays.

Remember, great defensive players understand the value of their gloves and take care of them like prized possessions. By doing the same, you'll be able to unleash your full defensive potential on the field and become legends in your own right.

How to tell the difference between the dozens of baseball glove oil products

As a leather experts have explained, their is a big difference between highly saturated oils and unsaturated oils used in leather conditioners, as well as the potential for rancidity with unsaturated oils and its implications for baseball glove leather.

Highly saturated oils, such as Mitt-Spit Glove Oil have a higher proportion of saturated fatty acids. This oil contain predominantly single bonds between carbon atoms, resulting in a more stable molecular structure. It has a higher resistance to oxidation and are less prone to rancidity than mink oil or neatsfoot oil. Saturated oils tend to stay relatively stable over time, providing long-lasting conditioning and moisturizing effects to leather. Because of its molecular structure, Mitt-Spit Glove Oil has the greatest ability to penetrate the leather fibers and maintain its suppleness.

On the other hand, unsaturated oils, like vegetable oils (e.g., linseed oil, olive oil), contain a higher proportion of unsaturated fatty acids. These oils possess one or more double bonds between carbon atoms in their molecular structure. The presence of these double bonds makes unsaturated oils more susceptible to oxidation, leading to rancidity. Rancidity occurs when the unsaturated fatty acids react with oxygen, heat, or light, resulting in the breakdown of the oil and the production of unpleasant odors and off-flavors.

When it comes to baseball glove leather, the potential for rancidity in unsaturated oils is a concern. Baseball gloves are subject to moisture, heat, and sweat during gameplay, and if an unsaturated oil is used for conditioning, it can turn rancid over time. Rancid oils not only develop an unpleasant smell but can also cause the leather to become brittle and lose its original properties.

Rancidity in baseball glove leather can lead to a compromised performance, reduced durability, and a less comfortable feel for the player. Additionally, rancid oils can accelerate the degradation of the leather fibers, causing the glove to deteriorate at a faster rate.

To prevent rancidity and maintain the quality of baseball glove leather, it is advisable to use highly saturated oils for conditioning which is why Mitt-Spit was created. These oils provide effective nourishment and protection without the risk of rancidity, ensuring that the glove remains in optimal condition for an extended period.

It's worth noting that different manufacturers and experts may have their preferences for leather conditioners based on the specific type of leather used in baseball gloves. However, avoiding unsaturated oils with a higher risk of rancidity is generally considered a good practice in preserving the longevity and performance of the leather.

Can the oils used in baseball glove conditioners turn rancid? How is the potential for rancidity measured?

As a chemist would explain, the iodine index measures the potential of oils going rancid when used on baseball gloves. Included is information about potential health effects and list some common oils used on baseball gloves along with their associated iodine index values.

When oils are exposed to oxygen in the air, they can undergo a process of oxidation. Oxidation can be accelerated by factors such as heat and light — think warm sunny day.  Oxidation leads to the formation of highly reactive free radicals, which can damage the oil and cause it to go rancid. Rancidity refers to the development of off-flavors, odors, and the degradation of the oil's nutritional value to the point that it can make a person feel ill. 

Technically, the iodine index is a measure of the degree of unsaturation in a fatty acid or oil. Unsaturated fatty acids contain double bonds in their carbon chains, which make them more prone to oxidation. The iodine index quantifies the number of double bonds present in the fatty acids or oil.

In the context of baseball gloves, oils are used to condition and preserve the leather. The natural oils in the leather can gradually dry out and deteriorate over time, leading to stiffness and cracking. Conditioning oils are applied to replenish the lost moisture and maintain the flexibility and durability of the leather. However, if the oil used has a high iodine index, it indicates a higher level of unsaturation and greater susceptibility to oxidation/rancidity.

When an oil with a high iodine index is applied to a baseball glove, it can oxidize more readily upon exposure to air and sunlight as happens throughout the baseball season. This oxidation process can lead to the formation of undesirable compounds, including aldehydes, ketones, and peroxides, which contribute to the rancid odor and health concerns. The glove may become sticky, greasy, or develop a foul smell, making it less pleasant to use.

Moreover, from a health perspective, rancid oils can have adverse effects. Consuming rancid oils can cause gastrointestinal discomfort, including nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. Inhaling the unpleasant odors from rancid oils may also cause respiratory irritation and discomfort.  The greatest concern is with children.  If you watch a child with a glove in their hand during slow times of a game, they often put the glove to their mouth.  If the oils used to condition the glove have gone rancid, it could make the child sick.

Here are some commonly used oils on baseball gloves, along with their associated iodine index values:

  1. Neatsfoot Oil: Iodine Index around 84-88

  2. Mink Oil: Iodine Index around 87-91

  3. Lanolin Oil: Iodine Index around 88-92

  4. Coconut Oil: Iodine Index around 10-20

  5. Olive Oil: Iodine Index around 75-94

  6. Almond Oil: Iodine Index around 93-105

  7. Mitt-Spit Glove Oil: Iodine Index of around <1-1

Clearly, the safest Glove Oil is the one with the lowest Iodine Index - Mitt-Spit Glove Oil. It's important to note that these values may vary slightly depending on the specific brand or source of the oil. Choosing an oil with a lower iodine index generally indicates a lower susceptibility to oxidation and a reduced risk of rancidity.

When selecting oils for conditioning baseball gloves, it's recommended to opt for oils with lower iodine index values to minimize the chances of rancidity and ensure the longevity of the glove's leather.