Advanced Leather Solutions

Crazy Stuff for Baseball Glove Care

So here's the latest nutty newsflash for baseball glove care...  Old motor oil.  Yup... Some guy swears by it. Hey, I guess it's OK because it's better than putting used motor oil in a land fill and polluting the water.

Come on now.  Where does this stuff come from anyway?  What a bunch of nonsense!

Look, if you want to ruin your glove try some of these hocus-pocus things.  Otherwise, let the guys who know leather provide the right products.  That's what the Mitt-Spit team is all about.

If you have questions about leather care, send us an email or give us a call. We have a deep understanding of leather. You’ll get honest, straight answers to your questions. Try us out. You can contact me directly— or call us 800-541-5982. Or, go directly to the Mitt-Spit Products to buy the correct products for your glove. You’ll see the difference quality makes.

A creative use of Mitt-Spit Break-in - put it on new laces before you lace up a glove.

Nate Petty of Magnolia, TX came up with a brilliant idea for using the Mitt-Spit Break-in product when re-lacing. Often the new laces are stiff, sometimes stiffer than the glove leather itself. What Nate discovered is if you apply the Mitt-Spit Break-in product to the laces before you start the lacing project, it makes a lacing job a lot easier. Try it. See if it works for you too. Thanks for the tip Nate. Go to Mitt-Spit Products to buy the correct products for your glove.

Prepare Your Glove for the Off-Season

Fall is here in the United States.  It’s time to think about doing what’s best to prepare your glove for its winter “hibernation.”  Here are some tips.

1      After a season’s use, it’s a good idea to give your glove a thorough cleaning.  With the Mitt-Spit glove cleaner, generously apply to all surfaces.  If you have the Mitt-Spit cleaning glove, use it.  It’s an excellent way to apply the cleaner as it gives you good finger dexterity to get into all the nook and crannies.  Let the cleaner sit on the glove for a minute or two.  Then, use a soft dry cloth to wipe away to soapy residue.  This will remove the potential for mold or mildew developing.  The Mitt-Split cleaning glove can be reused many times over.  Simply throw it into the washing machine and it will be ready for next season.

2      Apply Mitt-Spit Glove Oil to the glove using a soft cloth, like a micro-fiber towel.  A light coating is all that is necessary.  Be sure to use the right oil.  Products like mink oil or coconut oil have a potential for turning rancid --- Yuck!  Mitt-Spit glove oil will not turn rancid.

3      Put a baseball into the glove pocket and wrap the glove in a soft cloth, or cloth bag. Lightly secure with a rubber-band or the like.

4      Store the glove in a location which is protected from freezing.  So that means, keep the glove indoors for the winter in the northern states.  An inside closet works great.

Do this and your glove with sleep well all winter long and when spring season comes along, you’ll be ready to play ball with a glove the looks and feel fresh and supple. Go to Mitt-Spit Products to buy the correct products for your glove.


Baseball Glove Gurus Love Mitt-Spit

Had a nice conversation with Walt H. of Mobile, AL.  He is semi-retired, spending his time now repairing and restoring baseball gloves.  Walt lives in the sports crazed capital of America, Mobile, AL area where more professional baseball and football players come from per capita than any other place in the country.  People from the Mobile area are serious about baseball.

In one specific instance, Walt has a decades old glove that was heavily soiled and hadn't been conditioned in about forever.  He used the Mitt-Spit system of cleaning and conditioning and reported back that it worked wonders.  He said it was just like what we show in our video demonstration.  Walt is a repeat customer who ordered another full bundle of the Mitt-Spit Cleaner, Conditioner (glove oil) and Break-in products.  It's nice to hear from people who have a passion for what they do and want to use the best baseball glove care system for their work.  Thanks Walt for being a great customer.

If you've used Mitt-Spit products on your glove, we'd love the hear from you.   If you haven't tried Mitt-Spit yet, do your glove a favor.  Join the ranks of satisfied customers.  It's easy.  Place your order today! Go to Mitt-Spit Products to buy.