Glove oil comparison

How to tell the difference between the dozens of baseball glove oil products

As a leather experts have explained, their is a big difference between highly saturated oils and unsaturated oils used in leather conditioners, as well as the potential for rancidity with unsaturated oils and its implications for baseball glove leather.

Highly saturated oils, such as Mitt-Spit Glove Oil have a higher proportion of saturated fatty acids. This oil contain predominantly single bonds between carbon atoms, resulting in a more stable molecular structure. It has a higher resistance to oxidation and are less prone to rancidity than mink oil or neatsfoot oil. Saturated oils tend to stay relatively stable over time, providing long-lasting conditioning and moisturizing effects to leather. Because of its molecular structure, Mitt-Spit Glove Oil has the greatest ability to penetrate the leather fibers and maintain its suppleness.

On the other hand, unsaturated oils, like vegetable oils (e.g., linseed oil, olive oil), contain a higher proportion of unsaturated fatty acids. These oils possess one or more double bonds between carbon atoms in their molecular structure. The presence of these double bonds makes unsaturated oils more susceptible to oxidation, leading to rancidity. Rancidity occurs when the unsaturated fatty acids react with oxygen, heat, or light, resulting in the breakdown of the oil and the production of unpleasant odors and off-flavors.

When it comes to baseball glove leather, the potential for rancidity in unsaturated oils is a concern. Baseball gloves are subject to moisture, heat, and sweat during gameplay, and if an unsaturated oil is used for conditioning, it can turn rancid over time. Rancid oils not only develop an unpleasant smell but can also cause the leather to become brittle and lose its original properties.

Rancidity in baseball glove leather can lead to a compromised performance, reduced durability, and a less comfortable feel for the player. Additionally, rancid oils can accelerate the degradation of the leather fibers, causing the glove to deteriorate at a faster rate.

To prevent rancidity and maintain the quality of baseball glove leather, it is advisable to use highly saturated oils for conditioning which is why Mitt-Spit was created. These oils provide effective nourishment and protection without the risk of rancidity, ensuring that the glove remains in optimal condition for an extended period.

It's worth noting that different manufacturers and experts may have their preferences for leather conditioners based on the specific type of leather used in baseball gloves. However, avoiding unsaturated oils with a higher risk of rancidity is generally considered a good practice in preserving the longevity and performance of the leather.